
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dear's not working out, let's break up!

Stress has been a major problem in my life lately. Between finding a temporary home for my puppy (not to mention still having to finish paying for her), finding out that I did not get the on-campus apartment I applied for, and trying to balance school, APO, and my job, I really needed to be surrounded by friends, hear some words of encouragement and develop a set of stress-relievers. All that being said, I thought I would share some tips and tricks that I found!

1. Remember that everyone makes mistakes and has bad days, but like an arrow, you have to be pulled backward to be shot forward into something great!

2. Cook yourself your favorite meal. Studies show that cooking your favorite meal will not only give you something to think about other than what is currently stressing you out, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment.

3. Celebrate when something goes well. Treat yourself with your favorite snack or dessert, go out and see a new movie, or splurge and buy yourself that shirt that you've been dying to buy.

4. Go to bed earlier. Getting more sleep will generally help you feel calmer throughout the day, and also give you energy to get through it! Besides, who doesn't like sleep?!

5. Make a calm down jar. (not only is it helpful with relieving stress, but it's also really cute!) Just fill a jar with water and glitter and seal! When you're feeling overwhelmed, just shake the jar, and wait until all the glitter has settled before you continue on with what you're doing.

6. Most importantly, OPEN UP TO SOMEONE! The biggest mistake people make is holding in their emotions. Even if you don't want to tell a friend or family member, even talking to a cashier at the store or a hairdresser (getting your hair done might help too!), just getting your feelings out in the open will immediately lift the weight off your shoulders.

I hope at least one of these tips helped! Let me know what awesome ideas you have for relieving stress! (:


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